Sheikh Hamdan launches initial stage of AI Technology for Dubai

Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Crown Prince of Dubai and Chairman of The Executive Council, has launched the Dubai Universal Blueprint for Artificial Intelligence, a yearly plan focused on harnessing the potential of AI technology to achieve quality-of-life focused outcomes..

The arrange to quicken the selection of AI applications encapsulates the vision and orders of His Height Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice-President and Prime Serve of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, to upgrade the city’s authority as a worldwide innovation and advancement hub.

The arrange too reflects Dubai’s commitment to use modern AI innovations to make a brighter future in all sectors.

Sheikh Hamdan launches initial stage of AI Technology for Dubai

“To enhance Dubai’s global leadership, we launch Dubai’s Universal Blueprint for Artificial Intelligence to accelerate the adoption of artificial intelligence applications, which will achieve the targets of the Dubai Economic Agenda D33 by contributing AED100 billion annually to Dubai’s economy through the digital economy and increasing the economy’s productivity by 50% through the adoption of innovative digital solutions,” Sheikh Hamdan said.

“In 1999, Dubai commenced its journey towards the future by launching its digital transformation venture, which has continued to achieve major milestones leading to the recent unveiling of the Dubai Digital Strategy last year. We have realised record-breaking accomplishments that have established Dubai as the premier hub for billion-dollar global enterprises in the technology and artificial intelligence sectors within the region,” he added.

“Through the first phase of the plan for this year, we will work on appointing a Chief Artificial Intelligence Officer in every government entity in Dubai, launch AI and Web3 incubators as well as announce an AI Week in educational institutions. Land for data centres will be fast tracked, and a new commercial licence for artificial intelligence will be introduced,” the Crown Prince said.

Plan’s objectives

The arrange points to give the best environment for AI companies and worldwide ability by upgrading competitiveness in encouraging commerce operations, backed by an progressed mechanical foundation, adaptable administrative environment, and a strong framework that empowers the improvement of AI advances and progressed technology-related businesses. This will contribute to enabling companies in this division to develop and extend the benefits of AI arrangements in quickening advance in different areas and contributing to building a superior future for unused generations.

The arrange too points to make Dubai a pioneer in the appropriation of AI in government operations. This will be accomplished by actualizing AI instruments in government ventures and future activities, as well as supporting these substances in viably receiving future technologies.

The arrange too points to quicken the selection of AI applications, changing Dubai into a worldwide center for AI administration and enactment. This activity includes giving fundamental assets to draw in trailblazers and driving innovation companies. Moreover, it involves continuous improvement of directions and laws for AI use over segments. The arrange has a solid center on AI administration to viably tackle progressed innovative apparatuses and utilize them in creating imperative divisions to improve human and social well-being.

The arrange too points to make the best AI applications in key segments by enabling government groups with basic AI aptitudes and devices, presenting them to the most recent hones and future openings. This back will enable them to create inventive applications based on these abilities, encouraging the selection of progressed innovation devices to make administrations, items, and arrangements, whereas moreover keeping pace with the quick changes over different spheres.

First phase

The to begin with stage of Dubai’s yearly arrange to quicken the selection of AI for this year incorporates the arrangement of a CEO for Manufactured Insights in each government substance in Dubai, who will initiate particular plans and programs in the field of fake insights and progressed innovation. The broader objective is to upgrade government execution by contributing in the most recent AI innovation arrangements and apparatuses. The Dubai Center for Fake Insights, which is portion of the Dubai Future Establishment, will evaluate candidates for this role.

Furthermore, as portion of the to begin with stage, Dubai is set to introduce its AI and WEB3 Hatchery. This activity points to set up the biggest center for AI and innovation companies, with the objective of pulling in trailblazers, new businesses, and AI frontrunners from over the globe, and supporting them in changing their inventive concepts into victory stories as well as encouraging their worldwide extension out of Dubai.

Additionally, the to begin with stage of the arrange includes propelling AI Week in instructive teach to coordinated AI applications into the instructive framework to improve the quality of instructive results. This too includes giving understudies with aptitudes adjusted with future advertise needs, teaching school and college understudies around AI and coding, and presenting them to the most recent devices and strategies in this field.

Moreover, the to begin with stage of the arrange incorporates the dispatch of the Dubai Commercial Permit for Fake Insights pointed at improving ventures in the field of fake insights, drawing in particular companies and gifted people from all over the world to work in an empowering environment that bolsters companies in accomplishing more development and advancement, and contributing to setting Dubai’s position as the favored trade goal for innovation and development companies.

The initial phase of the plan also includes the distribution of information centers to contribute to providing a conducive environment to attract remote businesses and continue to create a world-class foundation to support the delivery of arrangements that enhance Dubai's progressive change journey.

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